Saturday, August 11, 2007

Daddy of Jessica Simpson Helping Britney Revive her Career?

It is not any secrecy, which jumps Britney Spears princess is on the trail of return.

And now that Brit took again his body of sexpot, she wants to make sure that each one obtains a good glance, including/understanding the new potential director Joe Simpson, the spirit higher behind the explosive careers of the Jessica Simpson sisters and Ashlee Simpson.

Word which dad of Jessica Simpson is interested to take Britney Spears under his wing manager, but it’s true?

Not, at least for now!

When the “additional” spoke of Brit of the reps Wednesday at morning, they denied Joe came into contact with Spears, statement “it is not true. ”

One or the other manner, it is only one question of time until somebody helps the lighting rocket of the career of Britney Spears to the top again!